Price: 5.70 - 4.34
Custom Bling Name Cat Collar Personalized DIY Rhinestone Name Cat Dog Collar for Puppy Small Dogs Pet Kitten Cat Collar Necklace
Condition: 100% Brand New
Fashion, comfortable and soft
Material: PU Leather
XS:Length about 15cm-22cm(adjustable)
S: Length about 20cm-27cm(adjustable)
M: Length about 25cm-32cm(adjustable)
Width about :1.0cm
Color: Pink,Blue,Rose Red,Glod,Silver
Warm Reminding:
1,Asia sizes are smaller than US/AU/UK size usually .please make sure these actual measurements .and there are 1-2cm measurement error
2,if you have any questions .please tell me us in time ,we support Wholesale too.
no more than 8 letters
1-4 letters:like Blue+two Charms
5-6 letters:like Harnt+one Charms
7-8 letters:like Prinacey+no Charms
For example:I want "COCO" with a DOG charm
please tell us your interesting name when you order.
If you don't leave any message in 5 days,we will send them as the pictures .Thank you very much.
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